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These materials are being made available in connection with the proposed public issue of secured, rated,
listed, redeemable, non-convertible debentures of face value of secured, rated, listed, redeemable,
non-convertible debentures of face value of ₹1,000 each (“NCDs”) for an amount aggregating up to ₹5,000
crores (“Shelf Limit”) (“Issue”), by Cholamandalam Investment and Finance Limited (“Issuer”), to eligible
investors in India in accordance with applicable laws. The Issue is being made under applicable laws
including in particular the Companies Act, 2013, as amended (“Companies Act”), Securities and Exchange
Board of India (Issue and Listing of Non-Convertible Securities) Regulations, 2021, (“SEBI NCS
Regulations”) and other applicable laws. A draft shelf prospectus dated March 31, 2023 (“Draft Shelf
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These materials are not directed at or intended to be accessed by any persons outside India. You are
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To access this information, you must confirm by pressing on the button marked "I Confirm" that, at the time
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